Delta Head - Curved (7 oz.)

Delta Head - Curved (7 oz.)
The DELTA-CURVE heads change the game. These specialty heads allow you to elevate your wrist shots and passes like never before. You can also take your stick handling to new levels by dragging the ball behind you, having better control of hard incoming passes. The DELTA-CURVE heads help you win your faceoffs and protect the ball from opponents. The DELTA-CURVE also allows you to flip on the run from your forehand. The ICON-CURVE heads are available in three different curves: 5mm, 10mm, and 20mm.
Gives you maximum advantage of a curved head but may require you to play from the forehand side of the stick on both sides of your body, twirling it like a lacrosse player. Allows extremely easy elevation of wrist shots and passes and tremendous control in many other situations.
20mm of deflection (measured at the tip
The last 6cm of the head are curved
The first 13cm of the head are straight to retain stick handling backhand passes, and accurate edge shots
Head curve radius is matched to ball diameter for maximum ball retention
Gives you most of the advantage of playing curved with less change required to your backhand game due to the center of the head remaining straight.
10mm of deflection (measured at the tip)
The last 5cm of the head are curved
The first 14cm of the head are straight to allow conventional accurate backhand play if desired.
Gives you an advantage by playing curved with no change required to your backhand game due to most of the head remaining straight.
5mm of deflection (measured at the tip)
The last 4cm of the head are curved
The first 15cm of the head are straight to allow unaffected backhand play.